
wings of dragonflies and damselflies difference between

Wings of dragonflies and damselflies difference between


Dragonflies and Damselflies: How to Tell the Difference Look at their wings when they are resting. Are they spread like ...

dragonfly reflections

Where Do Dragonflies Go in the Winter?


Many other aquatic insects follow this same life cycle. They emerge as adults in the spring or summer and either ...

how do i create a pond for dragonflies (2)

how to build a dragonfly pond


POND CONSTRUCTION A pond is a body of standing water between 1m2 and 2 hectares in area,which usually holds water ...

how do i create a pond for dragonflies (5)

How do I create a pond for dragonflies?


CHOOSING A SITE First, it’s necessary to live within a few miles of some water source – a pond, river, ...

do dragonflies have antennae (feelers) (5)

Do Dragonflies have antennae (feelers)?


  The compound eyes of a dragonfly are huge compared with the size of its head. (If you were a dragonfly, ...

are there any legends and myths about dragonflies (1)

Are there any legends and myths about Dragonflies?


Dragonflies have been the subject of many tales and myths Many tales and myths have been imparted over the years ...

what enemies do dragonflies have (2)

What enemies do Dragonflies have?


  What enemies do Dragonflies have?   Dragonflies do have enemies. Among the species that catch and eat adult dragonflies and damselflies ...

can dragonflies control mosquitoes (4)

Can dragonflies control mosquitoes?


  Dragonflies: The Best Natural Pest Control For Mosquitoes   If you think that the most dangerous creatures on the planet are ...

what do dragonflies eat (1)

What do Dragonflies eat?


What can I feed a dragonfly? As adults, dragonflies feed on other live insects. They aren’t picky eaters. They’ll eat ...


Speed of a Dragonfly | How fast do they fly?


Dragonfly Velocity: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Swiftest Insect Dragonflies, those iridescent, agile creatures that grace our summer days, are ...