
when is dragonfly mating season (2)

when is dragonfly mating season


The Dragonfly Mating Game – A Contact Sport Romance and courting have no place in the dragonfly mating ritual. In ...

what do dragonfly babies look like (3)

what do dragonfly babies look like


Nurturing Nature’s Wonders: Understanding the Importance and Role of Dragonfly Babies in Ecosystems ecological significance of dragonfly nymphs, role in ...

where do dragonflies go in the winter (3)

Do dragonflies carry diseases?


Like most insects, dragonflies may attack out of self-defense if threatened. The good news is that they do not have ...

how many eyes does a dragonfly have (6)

how many eyes does a dragonfly have


The animal with the most eyes in the world: the dragonfly has 56,000 eyes. The compound eyes of dragonflies are ...

  chinese museum discovers world's smallest dragonflies

what is the smallest dragonfly


  World’s smallest dragonfly lives in HK   The Scarlet Dwarf is the smallest dragonfly in the world, measuring only two centimetres ...

common clubtail gomphus vulgatissimus (4)

Common clubtail: Gomphus vulgatissimus


  Previously known as the Club-tailed Dragonfly, the Common clubtail is a medium-sized dragonfly on the wing from early May to ...

cordulia aeneadowny emerald (5)

Cordulia aenea:Downy emerald


The downy emerald is one of three species of emerald dragonfly found in the UK. Although they all have a ...

wings of dragonflies and damselflies difference between

Wings of dragonflies and damselflies difference between


Dragonflies and Damselflies: How to Tell the Difference Look at their wings when they are resting. Are they spread like ...

dragonfly reflections

Where Do Dragonflies Go in the Winter?


Many other aquatic insects follow this same life cycle. They emerge as adults in the spring or summer and either ...

how do i create a pond for dragonflies (2)

how to build a dragonfly pond


POND CONSTRUCTION A pond is a body of standing water between 1m2 and 2 hectares in area,which usually holds water ...